Improve traceability, freight management and more efficient business processes
By Sharing accurate and up to date location information
across your supply chain


National Location Registry (NLR)

The National Location Registry (NLR) is an initiative by the Commonwealth Government with support from industry. Designed to facilitate the aggregation and sharing of accurate and up-to-date information about locations.

Access to location data supports improved freight pick-up and delivery processes, more informed policymaking and a range of Healthcare specific applications.

The NLR is managed by GS1 Australia with support from the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications and the Department of Health and is based on GS1 global data standards to support interoperability across the supply chain.

FEES: Currently this service is offered for free, conditions apply. See Terms & conditions and Fees

Access to the NLR service excludes any relevant costs for GLN licensing.


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How does the NLR work?

A central database that allows "Location Owners" to load validated location information online, via excel file upload or an API.

Authorised users, such as freight and logistics providers or suppliers can access location data from all their customers and trading partners via a central place.

Organisations wanting to provide or receive location data subscribe to the service for access via a simple online process and can opt to subscribe to the Healthcare module, the Freight module or both.

The type of location information that can be provided and accessed varies between the subscription option. Some data attributes that can be provided for each location record include:

  • Trading or operating hours for peak periods

  • Safety constraints at a site

  • Driver amenities

  • Weight/height restrictions

NLR - Digital and accurate location data

Video • 4:12 min

How to use the NLR

Video • 6:10mins

Benefits of the NLR

In Healthcare

  • Supports eProcurement and B2B

  • Improves traceability and recall of therapeutic goods

  • Assists in the management and maintenance of product data for the National Product Catalogue (NPC)

  • Contributes to the digitisation of the Health system

  • Integrated with the NPC and Recall Health services

In Freight

  • Up to date information about pick up and delivery locations 

  • Precision on correct delivery points

  • Details of equipment, PUD parameters, restrictions, curfews, other site conditions

  • Supports Chain of Responsibility and driver well being 

  • Efficient synchronisation of data with carriers

  • Contributes to driver well being

In addition, the NLR significantly reduces errors and ambiguity in the communication of location information between supply partners, as well as the resulting re-work arising from errors and ambiguity. 

A centralised database that allows organisations to maintain location information once, and based on agreed standards, directly reduces administration effort and cost across the supply chain.




To learn more about the NLR contact us today.