GS1 Icon Healthcare RGB 2014-12-17



Improve medicines and device traceability, support clinical processes and enhance patient safety


Learn more

GS1 Australia works closely, both locally and globally, with the healthcare industry to develop and support the implementation of global standards and solutions, consistent with industry improvement.

While patient safety is paramount in healthcare, other drivers such as the ability to identify and authenticate pharmaceuticals and medical devices, track and trace products from manufacture to the point of care, improve efficiencies and enable 'value chain' improvement are also vitally important.

RFID Animation
The Magic of RFID - Turning Fiction into Fact

On 7 August, join the RFID Coalition as they share their own implementation journeys.


Unique Location identification is key to traceability 

Find out more

As the Healthcare industry experiences dynamic change one thing remains the same: the need for consistent, high-quality patient care.

We provide the support and tools to help organisations:

  • Increase supply chain efficiencies

  • Adapt to new legislation, reform, and regulations

  • Implement standards that help share data, improve inventory accuracy and traceability



We’re here to help and support you