Small Business

Over 75% of our customers are small businesses.

With the impact of COVID-19 on the Australian economy, GS1 Australia wants to help small businesses thrive and support those looking to pursue new avenues.

If you just want to get a barcode so you can sell your product as quick and pain free as possible, you can join online now and become a member.

If you're dealing with larger customers like major retailers in grocery, office products, pharmacy or hardware, you might need a little more. They usually want a barcode test report, some product data and even a quality product image to range your product.

Let us do it all for you! With Product Launch you just give us your product and you're on your way to a hassle-free selling experience.

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Takes 10-15 minutes

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Selling online? You'll need a product identifier from GS1 Australia

Amazon has confirmed it checks to ensure that all GTINs (UPCs) loaded into it's system are authentic barcodes from GS1. It makes the following statement in its seller central area.

"We verify the authenticity of product UPCs by checking the GS1 database. UPCs that do not match the information provided by GS1 will be considered invalid. We recommend obtaining your UPCs directly from GS1 (and not from other third parties selling UPC licences) to ensure that the appropriate information is reflected in the GS1 database."

If you're selling online, through marketplaces like Alibaba, Amazon, eBay and Google shopping, you'll be asked for a unique product identifier. They may call it barcode number, a GTIN, a UPC or an EAN number. They are all pretty much the same thing. They are a unique number for your product, anywhere in the world. To get one, or as many as you need, all you need to do is join GS1 Australia to start assigning numbers to your products.

Google endorses GTINs for better product information

Learn more about Online marketplaces


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Unique identification for your industry

Barcodes and unique identification play a role in industries other than retail.

In Healthcare, implementing the GS1 system assists in increasing patient safety, authenticating medicines and devices, improves traceability and supports clinical process.

For RailConstructionFreight and Logistics the use of unique identification aims is to improve the efficiency, security and visibility of stakeholders' supply chains, locally and globally, through the implementation of the GS1 system.

Why barcodes and product data is important for selling online

Video • 3:38min

Why GTINs Matter in the Online Shopping World

Video • 3:06min

Homebush Cakes - A GS1 Australia success story

Video • 3:14min

Hot Choccy - A GS1 Australia success story

Video • 2:40min


If you have any questions contact the GS1 Customer Support team or phone 1300 BARCODE.

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Takes 10-15 minutes

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