Product Description Change Enquiry form
If your question is about whether you need to change your Global Trade Item Number GTIN, please use the GTIN Management Standard Decision support tool first.
Note: For regulated pharmaceutical drugs and medical devices, please review the Healthcare GTIN allocation rules first.
If you are still unsure if you need a new GTIN, please fill out the form below and try to provide as much information as possible in the free text fields.
If you have multiple GTIN's but the nature of the change is the same or similar, please enter them into the 'multiple GTIN's' section below. Additionally, please email us a spreadsheet detailing all GTIN's impacted, including current product descriptions as well as the newly proposed product descriptions. Submit multiple GTINS spreadsheet
If the nature of change is different then a new form needs to be filled out for each GTIN. Please contact us on 1300 227 263 or email for a new link.