Duty Fee Tax Rate

Attribute Name: dutyFeeTaxRate
Data Type: Decimal
Max Length: 5
Repeatable: Yes
Code List: No
Applies to: All Levels
NPC Xpress Attribute: GST Rate or WET Rate
NPC Xpress Rail Attribute: GST Exemption
Last Modified: 05/02/2024

The current tax or duty rate percentage applicable to the trade item.


10 for 10%

Useful Tips:
  • Repeatable as a group.

  • The GST rate must be less than or equal to 10% for Australia.

  • The GST rate 15% for New Zealand.

  • The WET rate must be less than or equal to 29% and above 25%

  • The Goods and Services Tax (GST) food and beverage search tool allows you to search food and beverage products to determine their GST classification. You can use the GST food and beverage classification tool to determine whether the product should be taxable or GST-free. The tool lists food and beverage products that have already been classified by the ATO as part of the detailed food list.

  • For Australian market Food & Beverage items, if the rate is not 0% or 10%, then we recommend your company obtains a specific determination directly from the ATO before submitting via the National Product Catalogue

Used together with the following attributes: