National Product Catalogue User Guide - Cookbook
The National Product Catalogue User Guide, referred to as the National Product Catalogue Cookbook has been developed for all Publishers loading and maintaining data in National Product Catalogue. The Cookbook provides you with information to assist you to better understand the system and the tasks and data needed to meet your industry's requirements. You may download the whole Cookbook or just access and refer to the relevant sections.
Data Requirements
The data dictionary now has advanced search functionality.
Your target data set (updated February 2025)
NPC User Guide
Learn more about the National Product Catalogue, audience, user types and more.
Videos and online tutorials
Videos and online tutorials
Get help from a certified solution partner
There are many benefits to using a solution partner including local, customised and complaint validation, and work flow support.
Global Product Classification (GPC) Codes
GPC code list (Select ‘Version in production in GDSN')
United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC)
UNSPSC v15.1101 (New Zealand only)
UNSPSC v19.0501 (AU Food Service)
UNSPC v25.0901 (AU Healthcare)
More information on UNSPSC codes
For previous supported UNSPSC versions, please contact National Product Catalogue Technical Team
Woolworths pricing 101 (Updated March 2024)
Linking AMT and GTIN – Improving Medicines Management and Safety
To join the Healthcare NPC Advisory Group email the team
How National Product Catalogue recipients access your data
Recipients who manually access your data
Synchronised recipients
National Product Catalogue publisher connection options and costs
For recipient connection options email the National Product Catalogue technical team.
Messaging file formats
XML specifications - BMS
Sample files
XML sample messages
User guide - National Product Catalogue Validator